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Safety and Facility Upgrades for Grants Pass School District 7

Safety and Facility Upgrades for Grants Pass School District 7

The Grants Pass School District 7 Board of Directors has approved a debt restructuring plan that aims to address safety and facility needs across the district. The $13 million generated from the restructuring will be used to make necessary upgrades across the district, with a focus on improving the safety and functionality of school buildings.

This year, the Facilities Committee has been reviewing all of the district facilities to identify areas in need of improvement. The committee found there are approximately $40 million worth of upgrades that need to be completed to maintain our current schools. The restructuring plan will allow $13 million to be available to the district this year, which will be used to address pressing needs such as roof repairs and upgrades, door upgrades, and fencing at several schools.

Our district understands that the $13 million will only address some of the needs, and more work is required to ensure that our schools remain safe and welcoming spaces for all our students. As such, the district is looking to create a bond committee to go out for a bond in 2025 to secure an $8 million matching grant through the Oregon School Capital Improvement Match program. If successful, the bond campaign will raise $28 million to be used to address the remaining facility upgrade needs.

“We are committed to providing our students with the best possible education, and part of that includes ensuring that our schools are safe and well-maintained,” said Superintendent Tim Sweeney. “We know that when our facilities are in good shape, our students can focus on learning and achieving their full potential. We are excited to take this step forward and look forward to securing the matching grant to address the remaining needs."

Projects Planned for 2023-2026

Location Description
Redwood Replace roof


Replace roof of Core Building
GPHS Seal stadium and fix water issues
GPHS Automotive Program
Parkside Repair roof
Allen Dale Safety fencing
South Hook up to city water
Allen Dale Hook up to city water
Allen Dale Replace floor
GPHS Purchase property and upgrade for Transitions Program (18-21)
North Build sensory playground
Highland Build pre-K playground
North Replace boiler
North Replace bleachers
South Replace bleachers
Riverside Replace risers
Districtwide Replace pea gravel with wood chips
GPFLEX Purchase modular and complete GPFLEX campus
North Safety fencing
GPHS Carpet removal/ventilation
Gladiola Fire alarm connection to portable
Gladiola Self-contained bathrooms
Districtwide Intercoms/Communication
Gladiola Safety fencing
GPHS Flooring in Core Building
Districtwide Exterior/Interior door upgrades
Elementary Paint exterior of all elementary schools
South Paint building
Districtwide Concrete repairs
Districtwide Storage solutions
GPHS New bathroom at softball field
GPHS Remodeled bathroom at track
Districtwide New kitchen equipment
North New/remodeled bathroom
South New/remodeled bathroom
GPHS New/remodeled bathroom
North Gym floor cover
South Gym floor cover
GPHS Gym floor cover