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Boys Soccer
Will Daniels
Head Coach
Girls Soccer
Paul Williams
Head Coach
Athletics Office
Boys Soccer
Open Field on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 has been cancelled.
Grants Pass Cavemen boys soccer tryouts are August 19th & 20th from 9:00-11:30 am on Mel Ingram Field. Every player must have a completed FamilyID profile to be eligible to try out. Make sure to upload a valid and up-to-date physical. Players must be registered for "2024 Boys Soccer" before attending tryouts.
Equipment needed:
- Soccer cleats
- Shin guards
- Soccer socks
- Running shoes
- Water bottle
Attitude + Effort + Skill = Performance - one without the other is not a complete performance. Our Cavemen strive to exhibit these traits daily. While playing for the Cavemen Soccer team, we are hopeful that student-athletes will take away essential life skills during their experience as well as further their knowledge of the game.
There is no "I" in team but there is in "FAMILY".