Career & Technical Education (CTE)
For students with specific career interests, Grants Pass High School offers seven different Career and Technical Education programs of study that lead to a multitude of career options.
Programs include:
Computer Science Pathway
Culinary Arts Pathway
Early Childhood Education (ECE) Pathway
Health Science Pathway
Manufacturing - Woods, Metals
Marketing and Business Education Pathway
Classes by Program
- Automotive I
- Automotive II
- Automotive Adulting
Computer Science Pathway
- Intro to Computers
- Intermediate Game Programming
- Mobile App Development
- Networking and Hardware
- CS Python Fundamentals
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP Computer Science A
- Independent Projects
Culinary Arts Pathway
- Intro to Culinary
- Culinary Nutrition
- Culinary Arts I, II
- Independent Projects
- Internship - Culinary Arts
Early Childhood Education (ECE) Pathway
- Children and Families
- Child Psychology
- Best Practices in ECE
- Applied ECE
- Observation in ECE
- Practicum in ECE
- Independent Projects
- Intro to CAD - Mechanical Design
- Intermediate CAD - Mechanical Design
- Electronics I - Analog Electronics
- Electronics II - Digital Electronics
- Electronics III
- Robotic Engineering I
- Robotic Engineering II
Health Science Pathway
- Emergency Care and Prevention
- Body Works
- Basic Medical Skills
- Advanced Medical Skills
- Medical Terminology
- Independent Projects
- Internship - Health Science
Manufacturing/Engineering Pathway
- Woods Manufacturing
- Manufacturing I, II, III
- Manufacturing Technology
- Guitar Fabrication
- GP Custom Design
- Independent Projects
- Metal Fabrication
- Metal Fabrication I, II, III
- Independent Projects
- Internship - Metal Fabrication
Marketing and Business Education Pathway
- Gateway to Business
- Be Your Own Boss
- Marketing
- Digital Marketing
- Business Law
- Sports, Events, and Entertainment Marketing Management
- Fashion Merchandising & Marketing Management
CTE Instructors
Travis Rappleyea
Computer Science
Brendan Linderman
Culinary Arts
Courtney Leair
Early Childhood Education
Ashley Gerard
Engineering - Electronics, Robotics & CAD
Landon Ashcroft
Health Sciences
Stephanie Thompson
David Brannen
Marketing & Business
Lisa Sorenson
Metal Fabrication
Jake Leair